Are you ready to set some savings goals? In just over three months you can save a total of $5050 by using the 100 Envelope savings challenge.
Every day, select a number and insert that amount of cash into the envelope. For example, if you select 11, you will put $11 into that envelope etc. Mark the corresponding number off the tracker card and record your progress on the budget sheets provided. At the end of the challenge, you'll save $5050!
Your order includes:
- 1 A5 Binder (7" x 9.25")
- 100 cash envelope pockets (25 sheets with 4 pockets)
- 1 Savings Tracker
- 12 Budget Sheets
- 1 Ballpoint Stylus Pen
Bonus offer: FREE first name decal in Silver, Gold, Rose Gold, Black or White. Payment must be received via Bank Transfer before personalization is complete.